Susan C. Trimble, Esq
The Law Office of Susan C. Trimble, LLC
1400 W. Lombard Street, Suite 901
Baltimore, MD 21223
Phone: 1-(410) 878-7006
Fax: 1-(206) 888-4783
Privacy Policy
We are Susan C. Trimble Consulting, a division of SP Reed Services, LC. The registered address is 142 Exeter Road, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 1QG.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation, which applies from 25th May 2018 gives individuals more control over how their personal data is used. The Regulation sets out your rights as an individual regarding how your personal data is collected, used and stored, including your rights to have data corrected or removed. This notice sets out the purpose for which personal data collected by us, or provided by you, will be processed.
We reserve the right to alter this Privacy Notice from time to time by updating this page in order to reflect any changes in the law or changes to our privacy practices. You may therefore wish to check this privacy notice for changes whenever you visit our website.
We respect the privacy of every individual who visits our website and strongly believe in protecting the privacy of our clients’ personal information.
By disclosing your personal data to us using this website or contacting us by email, fax, post or telephone you consent to the collection, storage and processing of your personal data by us in a manner set out in this Privacy Policy.
We will not collect any of your personal data (i.e. your name, address, or other personal information) when you visit our website, unless you give it to us.
Please note that when you view the site we may obtain and hold certain anonymous data (information which does not identify you) such as the type of web browser you are using or details of the site from which you are linked to our site.
For information about cookies please view the separate link on our website.
If for any reason you contact us by email, fax, post or telephone we will use your contact details in order to deal with your enquiry.
We will use information we hold about you to provide services to you under our contract with you including – to establish your last will and testament, establish appropriate trusts, discuss additional estate planning products that may be appropriate to your circumstances and to send you regular information about any changes in legislation that may affect you.
We will never pass on, sell, trade or rent your personal data to any other parties without your consent. We will only share your data with business partners that we are required to disclose the information to in connection with the performance of our contract with you, for example providers of outsourced services, so if you decide you wish to take credit, then it will be necessary to share your details with one of our business partners, in order for them to assess your credit application. This may also involve performing credit and identity checks on you with one or more credit reference agencies. We will seek your consent, prior to sharing your details with them.
Depending on your circumstances, and products selected, it may also be necessary to share your details with a UK licensed solicitor in order to produce certain documents. Again, we will advise you if this is necessary in order to obtain your prior consent.